

Friday, January 31, 2014

Peanut Butter Cookies

Last weekend we took a little mini-vacation with the kids.  We rented a townhome up north and hung out together for a few days.  Because I wanted to save a little money (the townhome was NOT cheap) I bought lots of groceries so that we could eat our meals (mostly) in - rather than going to a restaurant (which we only did once).  So before we left I went out for bread, jelly, peanut butter, etc. 

When I got home I realized that I had three open containers of peanut butter.  One creamy - which neither David nor I eat, so I must have bought it for someone else.  I think one of the kids is a creamy peanut butter eater.  The second was a crunchy that I bought to take with us, and the third was the open jar that we (almost) always have at home for toast.

David has been travelling, so I'm left with quite a lot of, oh let's just call it 'quiet time', on my hands.  Last night I decided that I should make some peanut butter cookies.  I worked at home yesterday because the weather was awful, so I was done with work at 3:30 and didn't have to drive to get home. 

I used the old standby Betty Crocker cookie recipe (the one where you use the fork to criss cross the cookie to sort of smash it down).  I made a double batch so that I could actually use up at least two of the open jars of peanut butter.

I froze some, and took a bunch into work.  It was a happy coincidence that I was part of a meeting this afternoon that involved (among other people) my boss, his boss, and her  boss (we're way up the chain here) and he - (the big boss) LOVES peanut butter cookies.  So I brought them to the meeting to share. 

Everyone loved them.  Of course.  It's hard to go wrong with Betty Crocker and peanut butter.