

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Do you ever think about inventing something to fill a perceived need that you have.  I toy with a couple of ideas now and then.

Idea #1.  Sheets for women who are post menopausal and hot at night

This isn't so much an invention as something I could actually do if I ever had the time and really felt like it.  I think it would be a great idea to have sheet sets for winter that are half flannel sheets and half regular sheets.  That way, my husband could stay warm and cozy on the flannel half of the bed, and I wouldn't die of heat stroke on the other trying to sleep under flannel.  It probably wouldn't actually be that difficult - one could take two sets of sheets, cut them in half the long way, and sew the two different sets back together up the middle.  Then you'd have two matching sets.  Or you could use flat sheets for both the top and the bottom instead of a fitted sheet, and then you'd have  a set.  It's supposed to be 25 degrees below zero today - and I still would NOT be able to sleep under a flannel sheet. 

Idea #2.  This one comes up every year when I go in for my mammogram. 

Why in the world can't someone invent a decent cover up to use when you have a mammogram. 

For anyone who doesn't know how it works - - You put on this gown - backwards so it is open in the front - and then spend the entire time with half of it off so that you can get your boobs squished.  It just seems silly to me to have this thing half off the entire time (like it's protecting your modesty or something) and even when it's half on it's not really covering up much.  Usually I get one that's either made for someone who is a size 2 - in which case it doesn't cover ANYTHING, or one that is sized for someone who must be a giantess.  Apparently they only come in 2 sizes.  Tiny - and Giant.  I'd almost rather just be nude from the waist up. 

I've tossed some ideas around in my head for the last few years.  It would have to be simple and washable with no parts to wear out (like hooks or snaps or zippers) - but why not something like a two part top that has each half tying at your waist.  (Think of draping a big triangular scarf over your left shoulder and tying it on the right side of your waist - then doing the same on the other side).  That way you could drop one side down and the other would actually stay functionally covered up.  The sizing would be easier too since the side tie would make it fairly flexible.  It would only be for the top, not like a gown.  If you were silly and wore a dress the day you went in for your mammogram you'd just have to wear the gown. 

One day I'm going to make one and wear it for my mammogram.  I've also thought about making them for other people (that I know) to wear and that way the idea would spread to other areas.  Because I don't think it's just me - is it? 

I think it could work. 

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