Has anyone noticed lately how HORRIBLE tags in clothing have become? When Emma was little she had lots of issues with tags and clothing that didn’t feeling right. Well honey, I’ve joined your ranks!
It seems like everything that I buy now either has the stamped tag – which is GOOD, or horrible stiff papery tags sewn in with plastic thread.On the neck, on the side, on my waistband – they are driving me bonkers.
And most of them are not simple to remove. If you try to cut it out, you run the risk of leaving that little ridge that will be even more irritating than the tag was. Or cutting whatever the article of clothing is. I have successfully removed some with my seam ripper, but I always have to wait until I get home to do that since I don’t carry a seam ripper with me. And of course it doesn't start to bug me until I've had something on for a while, so it’s a nagging irritant all day until I get home.
How about the tags on the side of the clothes? Usually they are in addition to the one at the neck, and they are so huge. Whoever decided that you needed to have SO much information on an article of clothing? I’m sure there’s some silly regulation somewhere because someone once washed something they shouldn’t have and ruined it.
Then there are scarves. Really? Now those tags don’t irritate me in a physical way, but how unattractive! You buy a nice pretty silk scarf, and there is a big white papery tag sewn into the hem that says MADE IN xxxxxxx. (Like most of us care where it was made - we all know that if we can afford it, it was probably made in some third world country.) Those are almost impossible to remove without ruining the hem, and then you have other issues with things raveling. They are always on a corner too, so you can’t easily hide them when you are artistically draping your scarf. If you don’t get the whole tag, you still have the white piece that’s sewn into the hem. Couldn’t they at least try to do a color match of some kind?
Of course, you don’t notice it when you’re trying something on either. Because you don’t have it on long enough for it to start to drive you absolutely nuts. Is it just me? (And Emma?) Or do you think they've gotten worse also?
I actually have more than one shirt that I've put a Band-Aid on to cover up the tag. Seems easier than finding the exact spot on my skin for the Band-Aid. :) -Sandi