Last year I saw this really cute idea for chair covers that look like Santa Hats, and they were made from felt - which is usually pretty inexpensive.
I did some general measuring to figure out how much material I would need, and set off for JoAnns to buy my materials. I bought the cheapest red felt that I could find. After all, they are really just decorative - it's not like they get hard use. Then I bought some white felt that had a sparkle in it. All told I don't think I probably spent much more than $20. (Which is less than one set would cost premade).
I came home and got my sewing machine out - it probably didn't take me more than an hour to whip up six of these. The one that I saw that I was trying to copy had the top of the hat done with strips of felt cut and attached:
Which was okay, but since I am a knitter I have lots of yarn available. I thought that yarn pompoms would be cuter, so that's what I ended up doing:
Aren't they cute? And the best part is that since I made them they fit EXACTLY.
And (of course) I still have about half of the felt left since I always buy more than I think I need just so I don't run out. I thought about making some for my mom for her birthday - which is in November, and then totally forgot about it and gave her something else. Mom - send me the measurements of your chairs if you want a set of these :)
And NO - I'm not going to make a set for everyone. So don't ask :)
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